That Funny Smell That Smells Funny Spongebob
"Something Smells" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season 2. In this episode, SpongeBob makes a sundae that gives him bad breath, and when people avoid him, Patrick convinces him he is ugly.
- SpongeBob SquarePants
- Gary the Snail
- Shelley (cameo)
- Crossing guard (debut)
- Marching band (debut)
- Didgeridoo player (debut)
- Patrick Star
- Mirror SpongeBob (debut)
- Incidentals
- Man inc hat (debut)
- Incidental 108
- Incidental 106
- Incidental 107
- Incidental 154 (debut)
- Incidental 42
- Incidental 109
- Incidental 141
- Incidental 144
- Incidental 143
- Incidental 142
- Incidental 115
- Incidental 114 (orange)
- Incidental 110
- Incidental 118
- Fred (blue)
- Incidental 36
- Scooter (purple)
- Incidental 2
- Incidental 8
- Incidental 31
- Incidental 6
- Incidental 48
- Incidental 27
- Incidental 7
- Incidental T8
- Incidental 37B
- Incidental 41
- Incidental 30
- Purple leech creature (debut)
- Squidward Tentacles
- Mailfish impersonator
- Sam Star (indirectly mentioned)
- Other Bikini Bottomites
The episode opens up as SpongeBob wakes up one morning, realizing that it is Sunday, and decides to have an ice cream "sundae" for breakfast. However, he sees he has no ice cream and finds standard toppings like bananas and cherries to be blasé, so he instead creates a new type of sundae made from onions, ketchup, and the contents of a nearly dead potted peanut plant. Unbeknownst to SpongeBob, the result of eating the sundae is intensely rancid breath.

"You know what they say, Gary, I'm easy like Sunday morning."
After breakfast, SpongeBob begins his Sunday to-do list, which consists of saying "Hi!" to everyone in town. Unfortunately, the townspeople are universally disgusted by the smell of SpongeBob's rancid breath and run away from him. SpongeBob is very confused by this, and asks Patrick if he notices anything wrong with him. Patrick, not having a nose, cannot discern the foul odor. After running down a list of possibilities, Patrick concludes that SpongeBob is simply ugly. SpongeBob is dismayed by this revelation and isolates himself in his home.
Later, Patrick visits SpongeBob, who has resigned to become a hermit and tells Patrick to just go run away from him like everyone else. Patrick then tells SpongeBob the story of The Ugly Barnacle, which fails to cheer him up. Patrick then encourages him to take pride in his ugliness. It works, and SpongeBob's confidence grows, so they decide to go see a movie at the Reef Cinema.
As they take their seats, all of the movie-goers still try to avoid SpongeBob, which angers Patrick and sends him into a tirade. Patrick forces the other viewers to look at SpongeBob. With every word SpongeBob speaks, the viewers panic and flee, soon leaving no one in the auditorium. Patrick gets hungry, so they go to the lobby to buy a snack. However, no one is at the counter. Instead, SpongeBob pulls some of his sundaes out of his pocket and gives them to Patrick. After eating them, Patrick feels a sudden urge to use the bathroom.
While washing his hands, Patrick asks a fish next to him for some soap, but he quickly runs away. Upon finding no one will stay within his vicinity, Patrick fears he has caught "the ugly" from SpongeBob and hides in a stall with a paper bag over his head.

"We stink! We stink! We stink! We stink! We stink! We stink!"
Eventually, SpongeBob smells Patrick's extremely foul breath and tries to tell the rambling Patrick before shouting at him to get his attention. He then tells Patrick that it is not his appearance, but his breath which stinks, much to Patrick's relief. SpongeBob then asks what he ate, after being told it was the sundae SpongeBob made. The latter realizes that they are not ugly, but simply have bad breath from the sundae.
Immensely relieved their appearance was not the problem, the two begin to run around shouting, "We stink!", causing their noxious breath to melt down the theater. SpongeBob and Patrick run into Squidward, looking at wigs in a window display. The episode ends as SpongeBob cries out in joy, "Guess what, Squidward? We stink!" as they hug him, leaving Squidward staring blankly as SpongeBob and Patrick start running away laughing and cheering.
Running gags
- People running away when SpongeBob talks due to his horrible breath.
(‣ ) Production music |
(• ) Original music |
(◦ ) SpongeBob music |
‣ Dangerous C - Mladen Franko[Title card]
‣ Hawaiian Hula - Terry Day[Opening]
‣ Lonely Violin - Dick Stephen Walter[Gary playing violin]
‣ Hawaiian Hula - Terry Day[Peanut plants]
‣ On The Beach - Kapono Beamer[SpongeBob has bad breath after finishing the sundae]
‣ Nostalgic Hawaii - George de Fretes, Jan Rap[SpongeBob saying hi to everyone]
• Fish March - Nicolas Carr[parade]
‣ Shock (F) - Dave Hewson[Everyone runs away]
• Gator - Steve Belfer[SpongeBob finds Patrick sitting on a bench]
‣ Harry's Back - Hans Ehrlinger["Maybe it's the way you're dressed."/"You gotta be kiddin' me.."]
• Steel Licks 1 - Jeremy Wakefield[Reflection test]
‣ The Nightmare Begins (A) - John Devereaux[SpongeBob asking people if he is ugly]
‣ Hawaiian Link (B) - Richard Myhill["I'm ugly...!"]
‣ The Last Judgement - Peter Lea-Cox[Organ music]
• Organ Gliss - Nicolas Carr[Organ glissando downwards]
‣ Monster Chords (C) - Peter Lea-Cox[Organ music]
• Organ Gliss - Nicolas Carr[Organ upward gliss overlays "Monster Chords (C)"]
‣ A Day by the Sea [#20] - Dick Stephen Walter[The Ugly Barnacle]
‣ Hawaiian Cocktail - Richard Myhill[Spiraling]
‣ Me for You - George Callert["Okay, now, say it."]
‣ The Land Is Ours - Gregor F. Narholz[SpongeBob saying he is ugly and proud]
‣ Hawaiian Link (A) - Richard Myhill[Movie theater exterior]
‣ Legends of Hollywood (a) - Ron Goodwin["Pardon me, ugly sponge coming through."]
‣ Hawaiian Link (B) - Richard Myhill["I'm not always as confident as I look."]
‣ On Fire - Gregor F. Narholz["What is wrong with you people?!"]
‣ Vibe Link (b) - Richard Myhill["Oh wait, Patrick, I just remembered."]
• SpongeBob Closing Theme - Steve Belfer, Nicolas Carr[SpongeBob saved some of the sundae]
‣ Samoa Hotel - Salvatore Assenza, Franco Zauli[Inside the bathroom]
‣ Shock (c) - Dave Hewson["I caught the ugly!"]
‣ Samoa Hotel - Salvatore Assenza, Franco Zauli["Patrick, is everything okay in here?"]
‣ Hawaiian Breeze - Jon Jelmer[Patrick with a bag over his head]
‣ Shock (p) - Dave Hewson["You gave me the ugly!"]
• Gator - Steve Belfer[SpongeBob smells Patrick's breath]
‣ Vibe Link (b) - Richard Myhill["Sundae..."]
‣ Hawaiian Link (A) - Richard Myhill["We're not ugly, we just stink!"]
‣ Chief Taravana - Kapono Beamer[Ending]
- This episode is available on the Nautical Nonsense and Sponge Buddies, Complete 2nd Season, First 100 Episodes, From the Beginning, Part 1, SpongeBob SquarePants Vol. 2, Sponge Crazy, Squidward's Day Off, Really Big Box Set, The Ultimate SpongeBob Box Set, The SpongeBob SquarePants Collection, The SpongeBob SquarePants 8 Season DVD Collection, Your Shoes are Loose, Imitation Krabs, Complete Second Season, The First & Second Seasons, and The Best 200 Episodes Ever DVDs.
- This episode is available on the Nautical Nonsense and Undersea Antics Volume 1 VHS tapes.
- This episode is also available on the It's a SpongeBob Christmas! Blu-ray.
- "Something Smells" was ranked #70 during the SpongeBob's Top 100 event in the UK and Ireland from June 4-8, 2012.
- In airing order, this is the first SpongeBob SquarePants episode of Season 2 and the first to be animated with digital coloring.
- Irony: SpongeBob should've brushed his teeth before he went out.
- Patrick mentions that he does not have a sister in this episode. However, this is later proven false by the episode "Big Sister Sam," where he is indeed revealed to have a sister. Also, in The Patrick Star Show, he has an adopted sister named Squidina.
- This is likely due to his stupidity, since he forgets who his parents are in "I'm with Stupid," and only remembers them when his fake parents refer to themselves as Marty and Janet, while his real parents are Margie and Herb Star.
- Patrick's new "Z" shaped eyebrows first appeared in "Your Shoe's Untied" when "Loop de Loop" is playing in the part where Patrick gets a shoe as a scoop of ice cream. But this is the first episode where Patrick's "Z" shaped eyebrows made their first major appearance, instead of his original sideways "M" shaped eyebrows from season 1. In this episode, it is only a temporary change, where as in most of "Your Shoe's Untied" and "Big Pink Loser," he had his original sideways "M" shaped ones, even though they are season 2 episodes. However, it would become a permanent change in "Wormy."
- In the audio commentary on the season 2 DVD, it is mentioned at the end of this episode that Squidward had a deleted line. After SpongeBob and Patrick hug him and run away, he would say "Ugly and smelly, two for one," but it was cut due to the whole screen fading to black at the end.
- This is the first episode that Aaron Springer and C.H. Greenblatt worked on together, as mentioned in the audio commentary.
- This is also the first episode written by Greenblatt.
- At the beginning of the episode's audio commentary, it is revealed that the episode was originally going to start with SpongeBob going out to buy every gallon of ice cream in town and he did not know the brand of ice cream he bought was onion; he then eats it and gets bad breath. But they later decided that he would make his sundae with ketchup, raw onions, and peanut plants with dirt.
- The giant calendar that SpongeBob is flung into by his bed at the beginning is a gag reused from "Boating School."
- "My leg!:" The marching band gets irritated with the stench of SpongeBob's breath after they bump into buildings that they got thrown into.
- This is the first episode to play "Dangerous C."
- This episode has a pretty high kill count:
- Norton's body layers fall apart.
- SpongeBob's reflection commits suicide by smashing himself with a hammer.
- Two fish commit suicide by reeling themselves up with a hook.
- SpongeBob causes a car to explode, killing the driver.
- SpongeBob's bad breath causes two fish to go belly-up in the movie theater.
- Another fish gets her face destroyed by SpongeBob's breath.
- There is an online game based on this episode titled Stinky Swagger.

French title card.
- In the French dub, the background for the title card is the exact same background from "Big Pink Loser."
- Innuendo: SpongeBob screaming "I'm ugly and I'm proud!", followed by Squidward replying, "Is that what he calls it?"

German title card.
- In the German dub, the background for the title card is the exact same background from "The Smoking Peanut."
- The same goes for the German versions of "Prehibernation Week," and "Artist Unknown."
- This episode marks the first time that a "Steel Licks" track plays.
- This is the first episode where "Chief Taravana" plays in the normal pitch.
- Recently, Patrick's line "Maybe it's the way you're dressed?" became a meme, due to a snippet of the audio (the 'a' portion in 'Maybe') sounding similar to the dialogue audio used for Sans in the RPG game Undertale.
- In this episode, Patrick is unable to discern SpongeBob's rancid breath because he does not have a nose, which also comes into play in "No Nose Knows." However, he was able to smell without a nose in some episodes such as "Rock-a-Bye Bivalve," and has a small nostril in "Wet Painters" and "That's No Lady," while he was able to grow a nose in "The Battle of Bikini Bottom."
- On the March 29, 2003 airing, this episode was paired with "Suds."[6]
Cultural references
- After SpongeBob finishes his sundae, he says to Gary, "You know what they say, Gary... I'm easy like Sunday morning," which is a reference to the chorus of The Commodores' 1977 song "Easy."
- The shot with SpongeBob playing the organ and wearing a mask is a reference to The Phantom of the Opera.
- The Ugly Barnacle is a reference to The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen.
- The glasses SpongeBob wears in this episode are a parody of Groucho Marx.

Should be written as "Edgar Larrazábal."

Edgar Larrazábal spelled correctly in later reruns.
- In the opening credits, when Edgar Larrazábal is credited as an animation director, his last name is misspelled as Larrazabla. This error was fixed in later airings of this episode and the iTunes version.
- In one shot, SpongeBob has sleeves. In the next shot, they disappear.
- After SpongeBob goes from his bedroom to his kitchen to make the sundae, when he opens the door, his bedroom wallpaper is shown instead of his living room; SpongeBob's bedroom is not located next to his kitchen.
- When SpongeBob opens the giant ketchup bottle and squeezes it into his sundae bowl, his right hand is on backwards.
- Once SpongeBob squeezes the giant ketchup bottle into the bowl, steam is shown coming out of the ketchup. This is incorrect, as ketchup never has steam.
- When SpongeBob is making the sundae, the peanut plant vase that he throws in changes direction between shots.
- When SpongeBob walks to Patrick when Patrick is on the bench, Patrick's legs are missing.
- In all Nickelodeon/Nicktoons USA, Nick@Nite and UK airings of this episode and the iTunes version, SpongeBob walks up to a building and says, "Hi, building!" which causes the building to flee from SpongeBob's breath. He goes up to Patrick and says, "I just don't get it!" and Patrick says, "I don't either."
- However, on all DVD releases, the Nautical Nonsense and Undersea Antics Volume 1 VHS tapes, the Nick Scene It? DVD game, WCO, Canadian airings on YTV and Nickelodeon Canada, Polish airings, Australian airings, and Arab airings, the scene instead goes like this:
- SpongeBob: [walks up to a building and waves] I just don't get it! [the building flees]
- Patrick: [off-screen] I don't, either. [SpongeBob walks up to Patrick; the rest of the scene goes as normal, resulting in the same lines being repeated].
- According to the audio commentary on the season 2 DVD, this was a sound mixing error. The music also repeats itself incorrectly at that point. It is made obvious since SpongeBob's mouth still clearly says the intended line. However, the closed-captioning on the Nautical Nonsense and Sponge Buddies and Season 2 DVDs still use the original correct line. But on The First 100 Episodes DVD, the closed-captioning has been updated to match the incorrect audio.
- However, on all DVD releases, the Nautical Nonsense and Undersea Antics Volume 1 VHS tapes, the Nick Scene It? DVD game, WCO, Canadian airings on YTV and Nickelodeon Canada, Polish airings, Australian airings, and Arab airings, the scene instead goes like this:
Closed-captioning on Nautical Nonsense and Sponge Buddies DVD (This one is written in all caps).
Closed-captioning on The Complete 2nd Season DVD.
Closed-captioning on The First 100 Episodes DVD.
- When Patrick sees SpongeBob in his house, playing the organ, SpongeBob has a mask on, but after SpongeBob turns around and Patrick lifts him, the mask is gone.

Duplicate fishes.
- At Reef Cinema:
- Multiple duplicate fish can be seen:
- When the duo walks into one of the stadium rooms, the same few fish are duplicated.
- When Patrick says "Look at it!", two blue Incidental 1 models and two Incidental 6 models can be seen.
- When SpongeBob and Patrick enter a stadium:
- There are six seats per row, but a few seconds before SpongeBob and Patrick take a seat, there appears to be more seats per row.
- It is in a wide-shot, and Tom is next to the red fish, Harold. However, a couple seconds before SpongeBob and Patrick get to Harold, he is sitting next to the red-haired fish.
- Also, upon arriving, almost every seat has someone in it, but when SpongeBob gets to the front row, very few seats are filled.
- SpongeBob and Patrick first sit in the front row. But later, when Patrick lifts SpongeBob, they appear to be in the middle row.
- Multiple duplicate fish can be seen:

Two fishes in the background change color between scenes.
- When SpongeBob talks to the blue woman in the red dress, the fish in the background change colors from blue to green to red.
- When Patrick says "Don't worry about him, SpongeBob," the fish turns back to green.
- After Patrick shouts "I want all of you to look at it!", seemingly everyone abandons the theater, leaving it completely empty. However, later, when Patrick goes to the bathroom, people are still there. It is possible that they are lucky enough not to smell the bad breath.
- In the bathroom, when SpongeBob first opens the stall door, Patrick's reflection does not move.

SpongeBob's missing pores but his pores can be seen in his reflection.
- For a split second when SpongeBob starts yelling "Patrick!", a majority of his holes are missing. However, the reflection on the floor has holes.
I'm Ugly and I'm PROUD! 🗣 "Something Smells" Episode in 5 Minutes! SpongeBob
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